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Vibratory Plate GP1950E GEN2

The GP1950E is the first electric compaction machine in the TOBROCO-GIANT lineup. The electric plate compactor is equipped with the latest Honda electric motor technology. With this new technology, the plate compactor has a compaction force of 19.1 kN and is suitable for heavy-duty work. The 230V battery charger ensures that the lithium-ion battery of the GXE2.0H is 80% charged within 1 hour.

trilplaatgp1950e tobrocogiant
elektrische mini shovel batterij

No emissions

Electrical motor

Equipped as standard with a 260 Ah, 48V lithium-ion battery

One-way vibratory plate with battery drive
Rounded corners, so even more maneuverable
Standard transport wheels
Emission-free operation
Weight 103 kg
Shoe width 19.1 kN
Optional 50 cm
Plate length 61 cm
Frequency 96 Hz
Engine Honda GXE2.0H
Rated power 1.8 kW
Battery (72V) 6,4 kg
Fast charger 230V 80% in 1 uur
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Vibratory Plate GP1950E GEN2
trilplaatgp1950e tobrocogiant
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